Safety First
Safe Retirement Income Is Possible!
When you get ready to retire, it is important to think about opportunities for safe retirement income. Actually, if you are already retired this is especially important. During their working years, people are more comfortable with higher risk. But as retirement draws closer, things change. The stock market is a never-ending cycle of up and down. However, as we grow older the less risk we can handle. To address this uncertainty, at Safe Harbor Retirement Solutions we offer safe strategies for retirement. Safety first, then potential growth.
As you get nearer to retirement age you may be questioning what are your tax-deferred retirement options. Does a tax-deferred retirement even exist? Well, with the right retirement strategy, tax-deferred income is possible. For example, indexed universal life insurance policies (IULs) may be a good option for those in retirement. Indexed universal life insurance policies allow access to your cash value without being taxed. This includes potential tax-deferred income for your beneficiary, death benefits, and much more.
More than anything, Safe Harbor Retirement Solutions wants retirees to feel confident about their strategy for retirement. It’s essential to preserve your hard-earned savings. With that in mind, our team focuses on opportunities that can defend your money from losses. We aim to prove to you that safe retirement income is possible.
We make sure our clients understand three things:
- Safety comes first. Focus on protecting your principal.
- Retirement doesn’t need to be difficult. Your strategy should be simple. Eliminate as much confusion as possible in planning a financial future.
- Achieve a reasonable rate of return** over time, while protecting your principal.
Protecting your wealth long-term is one of the key strategies you can use in retirement. As you near retirement, priorities shift. Earlier in your savings years, you can stand to take on more risks. Particularly, if the market drops, so does your account. Depending on how far off from retirement you are you may have time to rebuild but, if you are nearing retirement or are a “pre-retiree”, you don’t have that luxury of time. Investing in the market has its risks. Therefore, may retirees look for ways to keep their principal safe, regardless of market conditions.
How To
Generate Safe Retirement Income
When building wealth for retirement many people invest in the stock market via their IRA, 401(k), 403(b), or other retirement plans. The plan is to invest money for the long-term future. When you get closer to retirement your money doesn’t come from employment anymore but from your savings. Now is the time to make your money work for you. That’s why it is important to have a dependable strategy to generate income for yourself in retirement.
When contemplating a retirement strategy, you need to make sure that your principal is safe. When you are counting on a precise amount of income during retirement, it’s important to make sure your money is safe. Safe Harbor Retirement Solutions can show you how to use insurance products like a fixed index annuity (FIA) and more to preserve your assets.
As part of your retirement protection strategy, Safe Harbor Financial Solutions offers products, such as annuities and life insurance. Certain types of annuities and life insurance can help you protect your wealth and provide income for life. For example, the right kind of fixed index annuity (FIA) may be a suitable choice to generate a safe retirement income.
The issuing insurance company agrees to protect your money, even if the market is down. Also, some of the product offerings come with a reasonable rate of return** over time, too. For many retirees, an FIA is one way to protect their money, have a reasonable rate of return**, and keep things simple.
An additional benefit fixed index annuities (FIA) provide is tax deferment. That means unlike a mutual fund or a Certificate of Deposit (CD), you are not required to pay taxes until you begin collecting money from a fixed index annuity (FIA). Your money can accumulate tax-deferred.

Retire Safely With Safe Harbor Retirement Solutions
At Safe Harbor Retirement Solutions, before anything else, we believe in safety. Your retirement principal should be kept secure. When you meet with one of our specialists here at Safe Harbor Retirement Solutions, we can help you devise a safe strategy for retirement. We are here to answer your questions and help you make a retirement strategy that you can feel confident in. Safe retirement income is possible, and we can help get you there.